Dancing Lights is re-doing our website right now, please check back for more pages and information!
Dancing Lights Grove is a local independent druidic group based in Durham Region, Ontario. We publicly celebrate the Wheel of the Year (all eight high days) and support our community through fundraising and charity efforts.
Druidry is an earth-based Neopagan religion. We worship the many gods found in the world and many of our members see them as individual beings vs facets of singular deities. The Earth, The Sky, and Nature are extremely important to us, and we see them being worthy of our praise, love and worship. We use both academic scholarship and personal gnosis (those pieces you just know) to shape our practices and rituals. Druidry is a living religion. When writing and crafting rituals, inspiration ends up being found in all areas of our lives.
Dancing Lights primarily celebrates in an Irish Celtic hearth culture, however we bring honor to all of the gods, ancestors and nature spirits throughout the wheel of the year.
For details about our upcoming rituals and events, please see our Calendar or follow us on Facebook. For the typical list of things we suggest to bring to our rituals, check out our Rituals page.