Dancing Lights Grove, Standard Liturgy (click the link if you would like a PDF Copy)
Opening Prayer
[OUTDOOR: The folk gather away from the ritual space in preparation for procession.]
[INDOOR: The folk gather in a semi-circle in front of the altar.]
We have gathered here at this time and this place to honour the Gods. We pray that our words, actions and sacrifices shall be heard and accepted by the High Ones. May we stand as one, and walk the path upon which countless ancestors have gone before us.
Processional and Purification
[OUTDOOR: The celebrant leads the procession into the ritual space, with the Outdwellers offering brought at the rear. All, except the last person, are censed and aspersed as they enter the space.]
We approach the sacred grove
With hearts and minds and flesh and bone
Join us now in ways of old
We have come home
[INDOOR: The folk stand in place. All sing:]
Come we now as a people
to gather at the sacred Well
Come we now as a people
together in the warmth and the light of the flame
[Two people cense and asperse the folk while all sing:]
Cleanse our spirits in the name of the Shining Ones
Let no ill thought follow as we enter our Grove
Let our hearts be open, let our voices ring
We stand between the Earth and Sky as we sing
[The person performing this offering walks to an outer edge of the ritual space, and speaks facing away from the group.]
Ancient ones of shadowed might,
You who dwell without the light,
Who would not join our work today,
But rather, would stand in the way.
We offer you this [mug of ale / bowl of grain],
And ask you spare us any [bale / bane].
[The offering is left outside of the ritual space. The person is censed and aspersed before rejoining the folk.]
Honouring the Earth Mother
Earth mother, your children call out to you,
Known by many names in many places,
You watch over us as we take our first steps,
Grow our food and children upon you,
And watch over us as we take our last breaths.
You are the foundation beneath our feet and we call to you to uphold and bless this rite.
Earth Mother, we welcome you!
[All kneel and kiss or lay their hand on the Earth. If indoors, blow a kiss towards the altar. An offering of grain, cornmeal, etc. is given. All sing:]
Earth Mother, we honour your body
Earth Mother, we honour your bones
Earth Mother, we sing to your spirit
Earth Mother, we sing to your stones
Honouring the Sky Father
Sky Father, your children call out to you,
Known by many names in many places,
You shine down upon us as we take our first steps,
Your breath blows, strengthening our bodies and crops,
And our breath joins yours once more when it leaves us.
You are the apex of our vision and we call out to you to uphold and bless this rite.
Sky Father, we welcome you!
Lighting the Sacrificial Fire
On the body of the Earth we build our fire.
Around its light, the tribe and folk gather.
Around its warmth, we share hospitality.
Bright Brighid, goddess of the hearth, be with us in this place.
Bright Brighid we honour you!
[An offering of oil or butter is given to the hearth fire.]
[All] Bright Brighid we honour you!
[The sacrificial fire is lit from the hearth fire.]
From our own hearth we build a fire for the gods.
Into its flames, we will give offering.
Upon its smoke, our voices will rise.
May we pray with a good fire.
[All] May we pray with a good fire!
Bardic Inspiration
We call now upon all the Bards of old, and those Gods and Goddesses who grant us the power of imbas. We ask that we receive your inspiration to allow our words to flow with honeyed sweetness. May the fire of inspiration burn within us, not only for this sacred time, but whenever we may call upon it.
[An offering of honey is given.]
Bards of old, guide our voices!
[All] Bards of old, guide our voices!
Statement of Purpose
[As applicable for the purpose of the ritual.]
So, let us come together where the Three Realms meet, and open the Gates to the Lands of the Spirits, where we can walk and worship with each other on this holy [day / night].
(Re)Creating the Cosmos – Two Powers
O Waters of the Earth, deep and dark,
Arise, primeval powers, fill us now
With all your wondrous possibilities,
That through the Earth we may ground and join as one.
O Fires of the sky, O blinding light,
Descend and crystallize within us all
That spark of order on which life depends,
That through the Sky we may shine and share as one.
For just a moment let us close our eyes and feel the life which courses through us all. [
The beating of our hearts is at the center of our core.
Like sparkling blood, the coursing of the waters and the light of life
Now mix and swirl and energize us all.
[A single drummer begins a heartbeat rhythm.]
Chaos of the Earth, now fill us!
[All] Chaos of the Earth, now fill us!
Order of the Heavens, mold us!
[All] Order of the Heavens, mold us!
Join the powers deep within us!
[All] Join the powers deep within us!
Let us join as one!
[All] Let us join as one!
(Re)Creating the Cosmos – Three Realms
[A triskele sign is made towards the altar as the following words are spoken or sung:]
The Land supports us, our home among the cosmos.
The Sea surrounds us, teeming with Otherworldly life.
The Sky stretches above us, displaying the Order of the Gods.
Where these three meet is our Sacred Centre, the place of flowing together,
Where the sacred Fire burns by the Well of Wisdom,
Beneath the branches of the World Tree.
(Re)Creating the Cosmos – Fire, Well, Tree
The fire is kindled in wisdom, love, and power.
Let this fire become a gate to the Gods,
Rising up to the Shining Ones above.
Sacred Fire, burn within us!
[An offering of oil is made to the fire.]
[All] Sacred Fire, burn within us!
In the well flows the waters of wisdom.
Let these depths become the waters of Connla’s Well,
Flowing with otherworldly knowledge.
Sacred Waters, flow within us!
[An offering of silver is made to the well.]
[All] Sacred Waters, flow within us!
The World Tree stands at the centre of our worship.
Let this tree be the bridge between the heavens and the earth,
Spanning from the depths below to the heights above.
Sacred Tree, grow within us!
[An offering of grain or water is made to the world tree, or the tree is censed with incense.]
[All] Sacred Tree, grow within us!
[The celebrant will lead this statement:]
[All] By the Might of the water and the light of the fire, may our groves be made whole and holy!
Opening the Gates
Manannán mac Lir, king of the sea, guardian of the ways between, bringer of the mists, keeper of the path to the otherworld, we welcome you to our rite. Noble king without a throne, the master of Emain Ablach, come to us on your sea-chariot, bringing with you the gifts of the unseen. Manannán, we welcome you!
[An offering is given.]
[All] Manannán, we welcome you!
Now, Manannán, join your magic with ours, as we open the Fire as a Gate, and open the Well as a Gate, and let the Tree extend as a bridge between the worlds, carrying our voices to the Kindred on this holy day! Let the Gates be open!
[All] Let the Gates be open!
Inviting the Three Kindreds
The children of the Earth call out to the spirits of the land,
Nature spirits, kindred, we welcome you to this rite.
You, Noble Ones of fin, fur and feather; of skin, leaf and stone,
Those who inhabit the soil and stream, the trees, flowers, and herbs,
We offer you welcome!
Come to our nemeton, spirits; join us at our hearthside,
Land-spirits, accept our offering!
[Offering of cornmeal, flowers, etc. given to the Nature Spirits.]
[All] Land-spirits, accept our offering!
The children of the Earth call out to the mighty dead,
Ancestors, kindred, we welcome you to this rite.
You, Mighty Ones, kin of heart and kin of blood,
Those whose bones lie in this land, the ancient blood of our tribe,
We offer you welcome!
Come to our nemeton, spirits; join us at our hearthside,
Ancestors, accept our offering!
[Offering of ale, bread, etc. given to the Ancestors.]
[All] Ancestors, accept our offering!
The children of the Earth call out to the Shining Ones,
First children of the mother, kindred, we welcome you to this rite.
Gods and Goddesses of this place, known and unknown,
Deities of those gathered here, eldest and brightest,
wisest and mightiest,
We offer you welcome!
Come to our nemeton, Shining Ones; join us at our hearthside,
Shining Ones, accept our offering!
[Offering of oil, etc. given to the Shining Ones.]
[All] Shining Ones, accept our offering!
Folk Offerings for the Kindred
At this time, we pause to give personal praise by the folk to the Nature Spirits, Ancestors and to the Gods. Please reserve your offerings for [Spirit(s) of the Occasion] until we call them forth from the gathered spirits. I will be doing this section in two rounds. Once all who are here with me on site have made offering that wish to do so, I will sing Gods and Dead and Mighty Sidhe 3 times for those of you who are at home to make any offerings you wish to as well. If you require a visual cue for the song to end please watch my hand. If you’d like to type anything with regards to your offering into chat you’re more than welcome to!
Come forward, friends!
(Offerings are made)
Have all brought offering who wish to do so?
(If yes) Then I shall sing!
[if a communal feast is happening after the rite, Designated members present the first of the feast on camera while the celebrant or designated bard sings]
Gods and dead and Mighty Sidhe,
Powers of earth and sky and sea,
By fire and well, and sacred tree,
Offerings we make to thee.
Key Offerings – Spirits of the Occasion
[Invitation of deities or beings of the occasion, and appropriate offerings. Seasonal customs, and/or praise offerings as brought by the folk.]
At this time, we pause to give personal praise by the folk. Please reserve your offerings for [Spirits of the Occasion], until we call them forth from the gathered spirits. I will be doing this section in two rounds. Once all who are here with me on site have made offering that wish to do so, I will sing Gods and Dead and Mighty Sidhe 3 times for those of you who are at home to make any offerings you wish to as well.If you require a visual cue for the song to end please watch my hand. If you’d like to type anything with regards to your offering into chat you’re more than welcome to!
Come forward, friends!
(Offerings are made)
Have all brought offering who wish to do so?
(If yes) Then I shall sing!
Gods and dead and Mighty Sidhe,
Powers of earth and sky and sea,
By fire and well, and sacred tree,
Offerings we make to thee.
Prayer of Sacrifice
Now, let our voices arise on the fire,
Let our voices resound in the well,
Let our call pass the Gates to the lands of the spirits.
Holy kindreds: Gods, Ancestors, and Nature Spirits,
The Children of Earth send you love and honour with these gifts.
Holy Ones, [name of deity of the occasion], accept our sacrifice!
Let our voices arise on the fire,
Let our voices resound in the deep,
May the spirits accept what we offer,
As we honour the old ways we keep.
Holy Ones, we have honored you, and now we pray you bless us in turn, as a gift calls for a gift. Reveal to us now what blessings you offer in return for our sacrifice!
[The omen is taken.]
Are the folk satisfied?
Litany of the Waters
(Calling for the Blessing/Hallowing the Blessing/Affirmation of the Blessing)
These drinks, their waters have cycled through all the worlds and all the realms. They have filtered through the land, they have flowed through the underworld, they have erupted and meandered to the sea, evaporated and risen to the heavens, and fallen through the sky back to the land, to us gathered here today. It is through these Waters that the Kindred grant us their gifts.
Children of Earth is it your will to receive the blessings of our dear Kindred?
ALL: it is!
Then let us call forth the blessings of the Kindreds that they have given to us this day and imbue all of our Waters with their gifts!
Kindred we have given our gifts to you freely, you have told us of the blessings you offer, now let those gifts flow to us in the form of these Waters.
Kindred give us the Waters!
Let us drink deeply of your blessings so that we may embody your blessings and have them shine within us.
Kindred give us the Waters!
Let our hearts and souls be filled with your blessings in these Waters, Kindred.
Kindred give us the Waters!
(Fire tender takes hearth fire to camera for virtual folk. The celebrant will imbue water for those on site)
Children of Earth, in your mind’s eye see the blessings of (insert omen here) sparkling and shining within your waters.
See the blessings that the Kindred have given us vibrating and rippling through your
See the blessings that the Kindred have given us infused within your waters .
(wait a moment for the folk to see the shining of the fire’s light within the Litany Jug)
The blessings of (repeat omen) have been infused into all of our waters. Children of Earth, Behold, the Waters of Life! [PAUSE]
I will be singing [insert song here] while I fill everyone’s litany cups on site. For those of you at home and on site, please wait till I say behold the waters of life when I am back near the altar.
[Option A – Power of the Spirits, by Rev. Ian Corrigan]
Power of the Spirits, Flowing through me
Power of the Spirits, Shining in me
Power of the Spirits, Growing with me
[Option B – Pour the Waters, by Rev. Ian Corrigan]
Pour the waters, raise the cup
Drink your share of wisdom deep
Strength and love now fill us up
As the elder ways we keep
[Option C – Power of the Kindred, by Rev. Missy Ashton]
May the power of the Kindred be shown to me.
May the omens and the blessings be shown through me.
May the blessings in the Waters fill my soul.
May the wisdom of the Kindred make me whole.
[The Celebrant re-approaches the altar with the remainder of the litany Jug.]
Behold the waters of life!
[Everyone Drinks.]
Workings (if any)
[As applicable for the purpose of the ritual.]
Thanking the Beings
We are blessed by the spirits and blessed in friendship. May we remember this feeling before we bid farewell to our Kindreds, and close the Gates.
[Spirit(s) of the occasion, and a few epithets]
We thank you for joining our rite and giving your blessings.
As this rite is ending, we give you this gift in parting,
Given out of love, with nothing asked in return.
[Spirit(s) of the occasion], we thank you!
[An offering is given.]
[All] [Spirit(s) of the occasion], we thank you!
Gods and Goddesses of this place, known and unknown,
We thank you for joining our rite and giving your blessings.
As this rite is ending, we give you this gift in parting,
Given out of love, with nothing asked in return.
Shining Ones, we thank you!
[An offering is given.]
[All] Shining Ones, we thank you!
Ancestors, kin of heart and kin of blood,
We thank you for joining our rite and giving your blessings.
As this rite is ending, we give you this gift in parting,
Given out of love, with nothing asked in return.
Ancestors, we thank you!
[An offering is given.]
[All] Ancestors, we thank you!
Spirits of this land, of fin, fur and feather; of skin, leaf and stone;
We thank you for joining our rite and giving your blessings.
As this rite is ending, we give you this gift in parting,
Given out of love, with nothing asked in return.
Land-spirits, we thank you!
[An offering is given.]
[All] Land-spirits, we thank you!
Closing the Gates
Manannán mac Lir, way-warder, magician and king, we ask you to once again join your magic with ours as we close the Gates. Now, let the Fire be flame, let the Well be water, and let the Tree be branch and leaf. Let the Gates be closed!
[All] Let the Gates be closed!
Manannán, we thank you for guarding the Gates and watching over our rite. We give you this gift in parting, given out of love, with nothing asked in return. Manannán, we thank you!
[An offering is given.]
[All] Manannán, we thank you!
Thanking the Powers of Inspiration
Bards of old, and those gods and goddesses who grant us the power of imbas,
We thank you for joining this rite and giving your blessings.
As this rite is ending, we give you this gift in parting,
Given out of love with nothing more asked in return.
[An offering is given.]
Bards of old, we thank you!
[All] Bards of old, we thank you!
Extinguishing the Sacrificial Fire
We smoor the fire of sacrifice
Through which our voices rose to the gods,
Our gifts transformed by the flames.
We have prayed with a good fire.
[All] We have prayed with a good fire.
[The Fire Tender smoors the sacrificial fire.]
Thanking the Hearth Goddess
Bright Brighid, goddess of the hearth,
Your fire has illuminated this place today.
May it continue to shine in our homes and hearts,
This day and every day.
Bright Brighid, we thank you!
[All] Bright Brighid, we thank you!
[An offering is given.]
Thanking the Earth Mother
Earth Mother, we thank you for sustaining and blessing this rite.
Our worship upheld on the foundation of your body,
We return to you what we have not used,
And continue to honour you as you honour us.
Earth Mother, we thank you!
[The remainder of the grains etc. are offered. If no offerings are left, eliminate the third line.]
[All] Earth Mother, we thank you!
[All kneel and kiss or lay their hand on the Earth.]
Closing the Rite / Recessional
As this rite comes to a close, we remember to uphold our practices and keep them. As our forebears did, so we do now, and so may our descendants do in time to come.
The rite has ended!
[Option A — Walk with Wisdom, by Sable]
Walk with wisdom, from this hallowed place,
Walk not in sorrow, our roots shall e’er embrace,
May strength be your brother, and honour be your friend,
And luck be your lover, until we meet again.
[Option B — Now the Rite is at an End, by Paul Kershaw and Marae Price]
And now the rite is at an end, again we’re parting ways
May truth and honour be your friend, and lucky be your days.
I’ll hold you dearly in my heart, I’ll hold you in my mind
And though our branches grow apart, our roots shall be entwined.
Our next ritual will be [insert date and time of next ritual]. If you would like to financially assist Dancing Lights in continuing to provide services on facebook live and in Durham region please find the e-transfer address in the script provided. It’s the last thing in the document. If you’re not able to transfer in CAD please contact the grove as we still don’t have our paypal set back up properly!
If you ever want to get a hold of us and lose your facebook that email address works to do that as well!
See you all next month!